EK Police Triathlon

In 2018 the EK Police Triathlon will take place in Almere. From all over Europe, police forces will come to Almere with their best athletes to the succesful DUIN Triathlon & Duathlon. In the [...]

EK 2017

De European Triathlon Union and Challengefamily have the Challenge Almere-Amsterdam designated as the European Championship 2017. Challenge Almere-Amsterdam is the oldest long distance triathlon [...]

Halloween Run

The Halloween Run is something for daredevils. Something completely different than a ‘normal game’. Because on Saturday, October 28, 2017, by DoeMere and the center of Almere Buiten you will come [...]

The Championship

In commissioned of Challenge Family, Triple Performance Sports participates in the organization of The Championship in Samorin (Slovakia) in June 2017. Athletes can qualify for The Championship, [...]

Challenge Geraardsbergen

The famous “Muur van Geraardsbergen” will be part of the brand new competition Challenge Geraardsbergen (Belgium), since 2017. After the “Muur” was no longer part of the Ronde van Vlaanderen, [...]

Challenge Aruba

Challenge Aruba is one of de latest Challenge-races in the world: in 2016, the team of Triple Performance Sports was commissioned and in cooperation with the event agency, We Inspire U and the [...]

Live Tracking Challenge Almere-Amsterdam

Together with Rabobank Almere and MyLaps, Challenge Almere-Amsterdam launched a new app with which supporters can track their favorite athletes during the race. The app is free and can be [...]

VVTP Theater Convention

The VVTP Theater Convention is an annual event at which managing directors and programmers of theaters meet their colleagues and members of the Vereniging Vrije Theater Producenten (VVTP, [...]

VVTP Theater of the Year Award

Since 2010, the theater that scores best on various criteria according to the members of the Vereniging Vrije Theater Producenten (VVTP, Association of Independent Theater Producers) wins the [...]

National Theaterweekend

The National Theaterweekend is an initiative of the Prins Bernhard Cultuurfonds and the Nationaal Theater Fonds, and made possible by the culture lottery of the Netherlands: the BankGiro Loterij. [...]

Challenge Almere-Amsterdam

Challenge Almere-Amsterdam is the oldest long distance triathlon of Europe, and after Hawaii the oldest triathlon of the world! In this classic race, athletes cover a 3,8 swim course, 180 [...]

WTC Trappenloop (towerrunning)

The Carlton Tower – Flevoland’s tallest building that houses the World Trade Center Almere Area – is the location set for the annual WTC Trappenloop (towerrunning event). [...]